1992 Governor General's Awards

Each winner of the 1992 Governor General's Awards for Literary Merit received $10,000 and a medal from the Governor General of Canada. The winners were selected by a panel of judges administered by the Canada Council for the Arts.


Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Michael Ondaatje, The English Patient
Non-fiction   Maggie Siggins, Revenge of the Land: A Century of Greed, Tragedy and Murder on a Saskatchewan Farm
Poetry   Lorna Crozier, Inventing the Hawk
Drama   John Mighton, Possible Worlds and A Short History of Night
Children's literature   Julie Johnston, Hero of Lesser Causes
Children's illustration   Ron Lightburn, Waiting for the Whales
French to English translation   Fred A. Reed, Imagining the Middle East (Thierry Hentsch, L'Orient imaginaire)

French Language

Category Winner Nominated
Fiction   Anne Hébert, L'enfant chargé de songes
Non-fiction   Pierre Turgeon, La Radissonie. Le pays de la baie James
Poetry   Gilles Cyr, Andromède attendra
Drama   Louis-Dominique Lavigne, Les petits orteils
Children's literature   Christiane Duchesne, Victor
Children's illustration   Gilles Tibo, Simon et la ville de carton
English to French translation   Jean Papineau, La mémoire postmoderne (Mark A. Cheetham, Remembering Postmodernism: Trends in Recent Canadian Art)

